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61m 50s

In August 1996, the quintet with keyboard wizard Robert Jan Stips disscolved, leaving only two members: Singer, guitarist and keyboarder Henk Hofstede and drummer Rob Kloet. They record the album «Alankomaat» that is released in 1997. Then the new Nits set out on the road with two new female members. A very interesting period and a turning point.

Le French mixtape

Le French mixtape

43m 27s

The Nits have turned 50 this year. A time for celebration! In this twelfth episode, we hand over the microphones to fellow musicians, friends, collaborators and admirors of the band from the Netherlands . On this updated version of a mix-tape, people from France and Belgium share their thoughts on the Nits.

Boyband with cigars

Boyband with cigars

50m 22s

Dutch band The Nits are turning 50 this year – a time for celebration. This episode encompasses the years 1994 to 1996. The band follow two very diverse albums with hte more conventional «dAdAdA», become a fantastic live band.

K7 compil'

K7 compil'

71m 49s

Le groupe néerlandais The Nits fête ses 50 ans d’existence en 2024. Cet épisode fait la part belle à des entretiens avec des journalistes, musiciens et autres professionnels francophones de la scène musicale ; tous connaissent bien les Nits

Piano Percussion Stone

Piano Percussion Stone

32m 58s

Dutch band The Nits are turning 50 this year – a time for celebration. This episode leads back to 1992. After the very colorful «Giant Normal Dwarf », the band return is marked by makes an about turn with two albums of the year: «Ting» and «Hjuvi».

On telephone lake

On telephone lake

40m 13s

Dutch band The Nits are turning 50 this year – a time for celebration. This episode leads back to the year 1990 and a very colorful album that follows the years of big success. « Giant Normal Dwarf » is the second album recorded as a trio.

Imagine a mountain

Imagine a mountain

41m 30s

The Nits celebrate their 50 years of existence in 2024. In this episode, we revisit the year of their biggest success: song and album "In the Dutch Mountains" turn the NIts into a European household name, the mini-album "Hat" in 1988 and the live album "Urk" confirm their growing confidence.

Fiets in hoofd

Fiets in hoofd

46m 25s

The Nits are turning 50 in 2024. A time for celebration! In this seventh episode, we go back tot he year 1986. This marks an important turning point in the life of the Dutch popband. The album «Henk» and a compilation album «La Grande Parade » organized by Henk Hofstede show new possibilities for the band is down to three members in the studio.

Mixtape one

Mixtape one

35m 37s

The Nits are turning 50 in 2024. A time for celebration! In this sixth episode, we invited some guests to the party and hand over the microphones to non-members of the Nits, to fellow musicians, friends, collaborators and admirors. On this updated version of a mix-tape, you will hear people from the Netherlands express their thoughts on the Nits.

From a train window

From a train window

34m 41s

The Nits are turning 50 in 2024. In this fifth episode, we turn back to the year 1984. This is a pivotal time once again. The band is on the verge of becoming big in a commercial sense. They work at a big studio, with a name producer – but the success of both the album and the singles didn’t measure up to expectations.