Bonus Postcard

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Postcards used to be little signs of life that you would send home. They would inform them that you were still alive,that you were doing well and that your room was where the arrow pointed at in the picture. Here’s a bonus postcard from Switzerland. This is a moment in the short life of the ad hoc-band «Amsterdam Berne Connection» in Horw near Lucerne in November 1996. Henk Hofstede, Chessy Weaver and Stop the Shoppers (Christian Brantschen, Oli Hartung, Andi Hug, Jüre Schmidhauser and Schmidi Schmidhauser) are about to play the last song of the tour together. Well, let’s say: they are trying to play the last song together, but turn into a juke box themselves. There are moments that are too good to be left on the cutting room floor. This is one of them. And you get this as a bonus postcard to episode 14 named « Postikortti ».

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