Le French mixtape

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Kent is a well-known musician and author from France. And, he is a fan of the Nits which he has made public a number of times. Also in print. Here’s an excerpt of what he wrote for « Télérama » on April 29th of 1998: «Why is one of the most interesting bands in the world not so well-known? Henk Hofstede is an excellent singer and the concert are a wonder for eyes and ears. Perhaps the Nits’ have too much taste. » This idea is at the basis of this episode. We have encountered Kent, the artistic director Marc Thonon who has worked in the music industry for a long time, and the musician and philosopher Agnès Gayraud who is known under the stage name La Féline and Richard Robert, director of the music venue «Opéra Underground» in Lyon. Includes several exclusive cover versions and a Dutch band singing in French. For the full contents turn to EP 11 «K7 compil’» Production et audio design: Darren Hayne Musical links: Roman Wyss Voice overs: Andrea Samborski & Dominik Gysin

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