A Blue Room

Show notes

In a career full of stylistic twists and turns, the album « Wool» is a stand-out. The music is intimate, sort of jazzy, a low-key, but finely wrought set of songs. Slow tempos, sober atmospheres – this is a meditation about life, eternal childhood and death, with at least one of the most poignant songs of their whole career. « Ivory Boy » is a tribute to Nits fan Patrick Iliohan who died of cancer after having recorded an album with Rob Kloet and Henk Hofstede. The latter, but also bassist Arwen Linnemann, keyboard player Titia van Krieken and singer Vera van der Poel share their memories of recording the album, about Patrick, about meeting up with musicians from Switzerland for some special concerts. And composer Harke Jan van der Meulen explains why « Wool » is his favorite album with the Nits. Sound design and production: Darren Hayne.

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