Dial Nits

Dutch band (The) Nits looks back on an extraordinary career of fifty years, in which the band has published an enormous amount of very different albums, has played countless concerts all around the globe and has participated in many side ventures. A band that chose its own path and that continues to evolve in unexpected ways. Starting out as a power pop band with songs in the vein of the Beatles, the Kinks or the the Hollies, they evolved into an outfit with an own sound, a mixture of pure pop with classical and neo classical, jazz and folk elements. Then came the hits, like "Nescio" or "In the Dutch mountains", but the Nits kept on exploring their sonic possibilities, thereby expanding the envelope of pop music. A curious band, in all senses of the word.
"Dial Nits" features core members Henk Hofstede, Rob Kloet and Robert Jan Stips in conversation, but also collaborators, friends and family from many different countries talking about the music and about the background stories to this unusual career of musicians from the Netherlands.
Production: Darren Hayne.

Dial Nits

Latest episodes

Jukebox Diaries

Jukebox Diaries

31m 19s

The Nits are children of the Sixties. In 2008 and 2009, the Nits publish twin albums, that bear the influence of the period of classic pop music. These are shorter, upbeat songs, that still bear their own unmistakable mark. Back to the future!

Fellow travellers

Fellow travellers

49m 15s

A band is not only made up of musicians, there is a team behind them. In the case of the Nits, it is something akin to a family: a manager who has been there since the beginning, a sound engineer who grew up with them and a lighting engineer who has worked with them for years. This is the centre of operations, around which revolve many more people.

Night falls

Night falls

36m 11s

«Les Nuits» - the French title to the second work of the reformed trio of Hofstede, Kloet and Stips. As suggested by the title, a very atmospheric, introspective oeuvre with intense moments of darkness and some upbeat and poppy songs. All in all, one of the most intense recordings in the long career of the band.

Little Red Roses

Little Red Roses

53m 43s

An important aspect of the work of the Nits is the close connection to the world of visual arts. As evidenced by their record sleeves, their videos that they design themselves, the many references in songs. Dive into the visual world of a pop band.