Isnt Nits

Show notes

At the start, the idea was simple: to recruit some Swiss musicians to record a couple of Nits-songs for an album to celebrate the 40th birthday of the band. As usual, such ideas can quickly balloon into something bigger. At the end, the project of called “Isnt Nits” turned into a huge production with 51 songs performed by many musicians. Musicians from around the globe, from Australia to Finland, from France to Canada. To celebrate this album, there was a concert in Zurich (the “Isnt Nits Nite”) which was quickly followed by another concert in Haarlem. Many friends and colleagues of the Nits shared the stage with them. In this episode, many of the protagonist talk about the recording of the album. And the three members of the Nits choose their favourites among the many covers on these albums. Production: Darren Hayne.

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