From a train window

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The title-track of «Adieu sweet Bahnhof» stands as a programme for the career of the Nits. A song about Europe, about travelling across the old continent by train, from Amsterdam to Paris via Brussels. A statement for a deeply European band. And there’s another song on the album that has the same setting: «Infant King», one of Michiel Peters’ masterpieces and one of his most intimate and personal song, which also sees a person travelling through the night, by train. We speak to Henk Hofstede and Michiel Peters about their love of trains, locomotives and model trains, about a band that tours Germany and France by train. Rob Kloet and Robert Jan Stips chip in to talk about this album that was going to be the last with original member Michiel Peters. He left after the tour in 1985.

Production and Design Darren Hayne.

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