Jukebox Diaries

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On the jukebox in 2008 and 2009, the classic combos of British pop of the Sixties, the Beatles, the Kinks, the Zombies, but also some of the early signer/songwriters of the day, Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen and Nick Drake. Both «Doing the Dishes» and «Strawberry Wood» bear all of their influences, whilst strongly having an own character. And once again, the Dutch trios makes a wild turnaround from before. Whereas «Les Nuits» was a darker, brooding album, these two albums are lighter, extremely playful, humorous and less polished in the case of «Dishes». «Strawberry Wood» on the other hand is a more reflective piece of work, with songs about children moving out of the family home. Both albums are companion pieces, also for the reason that they were created more or less parallel to each other. The title oft he second album shows the way, with ist mash-up oft wo famous songs by John Lennon. Bar piano: Roman Wyss.

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