Night falls

Show notes

On the morning of November 2nd 2004, the publicist and film director Theo van Gogh was murdered by a 26 year old Dutchman of Moroccan descent. This happened in Linnauesstraat in the east of Amsterdam, right around the corner from Henk Hofstede’s house. Three of the songs on this album refer back to that incident that changed Dutch society – or at least indicated that changes had taken place in this society that considered itself very liberal. Band members talk about their memories and the consequences of these events. We also talk to Geert Buelens (1971) is a Flemish poet and professor of Modern Dutch Literature at Utrecht University about the idea that Dutch people, especially Amsterdammers, have of their own society. Other guests : singer Marjolein van der Klauw who participated in the recording of « Les Nuits » – and a year later would sing with Henk Hofstede in the Leonard Cohen-tribute «Avalanche Quartet». Sound design and production: Darren Hayne. Les Nuits: Simon Ho.

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